Brave warriors of the Vanu Sovereignty,

As our forces cleave through the armies of ignorance on the battlefield, let us remember why we endure this difficult, but vital task.

‘Inhuman’. That is the slur thrown at our people on every newsreel, every vile piece of propaganda spouted by our enemies. But do not pay them heed, my brothers and sisters, as this insult is borne of ignorance.

Is it not the very nature of human kind to innovate? To progress? To create anew? Between those ancients who discovered fire, electricity, space travel, to our people who tirelessly discover the mysteries of the Vanu artifacts for the betterment of mankind, what is different? Nothing.

And yet they tell us that we, the Vanu Sovereignty, are inhuman? Because we improve, adapt, and innovate beyond what these jealous fools can achieve, they claim we are of a different species? It is a lie! The urge to progress, to improve is imprinted within the human genome itself, it flows in our veins. The truth is that we, the Vanu Sovereignty, are the only people left on Auraxis fighting for what it truly means to be human – for progress, peace and freedom!

It has been this way since the founding of our movement. Two hundred years ago, when Vanu himself told Briggs that it was human destiny to join the other great alien civilisations, we were offered a golden opportunity to live forever in a society among the stars, free from war, hunger or disease.

We tirelessly laboured to open the eyes of our brethren to this truth. Inspiring a global effort to investigate the Vanu artifacts, we created masterpieces such as the Warpgates for instantaneous travel, rebirthing technology so that human beings would never have to die, augmentations to make humanity more intelligent, faster, stronger.

But despite our gifts to our fellow Auraxians, despite the clear messages from Briggs and Vanu himself, our brother factions chose to recoil from bringing humanity the final short steps to the podium of greatness! They rejected it all for ignorant, backward concepts such as total control or unbridled, corporate anarchy.

After the millenia of suffering humanity had endured on Earth and then Auraxis, after all we had already achieved, how could we allow them to turn back?! To condemn humanity to an eternal cycle of ignorance, war and suffering?! Of course we could not! So our brave forefathers continued their work in secret, in the hope that one day our fellow Auraxians would see the light.

We offered them partnership within this great venture so many times. But they refused again and again, choosing instead to mock us, to slow us, even to oppress us. Even during those dark days, we were patient. Even as they closed our laboratories and forced us to work under their supervision, we bit our tongues. Even as they destroyed our space fleet to prevent us from escaping Auraxis to be free as an independent people, we held back our rage. But when their cowardly forces attacked our homeland, when they raided our towns and cities to steal our peaceful technologies and corrupt them into instruments of war, when they chased us into the freezing snow of Esamir in the hope that we would disappear forever, we finally reached our limits.

They did not make us disappear. Progress is the greatest of ideals, that cannot simply disappear! From the ruins we turned our finest minds to military ordnance, and within years we unleashed our forces from our refuge. Our superior technology crushed them in battle after battle, and now they are beginning to realise the futility of fighting us. We are superior and unstoppable. Human progress cannot, will not be stopped.

After two long centuries, we have finally realised the simple truth; It is the vile leaders of the Terran Republic and the New Conglomerate who are inhuman! These beasts who deny humanity our right to progress, to improve! They act just like the savage rulers of old – condemning humankind to slave endlessly within the dark cycle of destruction, murder and tyranny again and again – these are the true monsters in our midst! Mankind can never reach its true potential while these hideous creatures from the ‘old world’ order cling onto power. For the sake of humankind, it is our duty to destroy those responsible for these out-dated, savage delusions, so that our species can finally progress to the next stage of our evolution, based on the principles of peace, justice and scientific rationality. We, the Vanu Sovereignty, will free the Auraxian people from their archaic oppressors!

We commit ourselves to total war out of love for humanity, for the betterment of our species. And you are the mighty heroes of this great evolution. War is anathema to our peaceful souls, and every life taken pains us despite its necessity, but I promise you that your sacrifice is only temporary. The tide is turning, our enemies will finally realise the truth, and soon we shall see peace once again. These days are simply the temporary growing pains of a young, glorious civilisation. The Vanu Sovereignty will be the saviours of humankind!

Stand firm my brothers and sisters – the forces of ignorance will never prevail! Whether they join us or fall before us, one day Auraxis will be at peace, and humanity will be blessed with a great, glorious future!

Technology equals might!

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