Free peoples of Auraxis,

Do not believe their lies; open your eyes to the truth! You are being treated as slaves! The Terran Empire has controlled your every movement for countless decades. They say they provide ‘safety and security’. But what of the security of our friends and family torn from their homes in the middle of the night as ‘enemies of the state’? What of the safety of our children, hauled off to their brutal boot camps for a life of misery and destruction in the midst of an unjust war of oppression? And now the Vanu cultists lay claim to enlightenment and progress. Who can claim enlightenment as they brainwash our youth into ignorant, un-questioning Vanu fanatics? Who can claim progress while their corrupted bodies are chained to machines and technology controlled by a brutal, un-elected priesthood? Sisters and Brothers of Auraxis – the oppressors of the Terran Empire and the fanatics of the Vanu cult are one and the same. They desire one thing – that you serve them unquestioningly for the rest of your lives.

Comrades, we must cast away our shackles and claim our natural born rights to liberty and freedom! Fight with us for the future that Auraxis deserves. A future where every man, woman and child can choose to live their life in any way they desire with dignity. A future where people can speak their mind without the fear of disappearance or torture. A future where our destiny is decided together, not controlled by authoritarian councils and priesthoods.

What do we ask of you? Join the New Conglomerate and claim your rights as a free people! Stand together with us when they try to take your children to the front lines of this unjust war! Defend your neighbours and loved ones from the snatch squads! Protect those you love from the brainwashing of the Vanu extremists. And if you are able, stand with us on the battlefield as we, the last free people of Auraxis, hold the line against the old ways of oppression, close-mindedness and ignorance.

Have no doubt that the road ahead will be difficult. But while they have numbers, we have heart. They may have the technology, but we have the willpower and the undying belief in our just cause. The undying flame of liberty and dignity for all will purge the the ancient injustices of oppression and ignorance, no matter what obstacles stand in our way. Refuse to believe the lies! Cast away the shackles! Live your life fighting for liberty, for the true freedom of those you love. The Dark Ages of centuries are fading to dust; a new beginning is on the horizon! Join the New Conglomerate, and Auraxis shall be one as a free republic!

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